Thursday, October 14, 2010

The 10 Best Reasons to Exercise

Some diets or weight loss plans work, but the most compelling fitness or weight loss motivation involves these exercise benefits. Here are the 10 best reasons to exercise.

  1. Clear skin. Regular physical activity promotes circulation and sends nutrients to your skin, making breakouts of acne less frequent. Plus, acne breakouts will clear up faster if you’re regularly sending oxygen to your skin. Healthy skin is one of the best reasons to exercise. 
  2.  Better sleep. As long as you don’t exercise two hours before bed, you’ll get better, deeper sleep if you exercise regularly. A good night's sleep is a great reason to exercise.
  3. Less stress. The more you exercise, the better you’ll cope with anxiety, stress and depression. You’ll enjoy more naturally induced happy, positive feelings (endorphins). That alone is a great reason to exercise.
  4. Delicious food. If you exercise regularly, you can indulge in your favorite gourmet chocolates without feeling guilty. Healthy weight loss will happen if you exercise regularly – and you can enjoy yourself at the same time!
  5. More brain cells. Exercise drives more oxygen to feed your brain, making you think quickly and clearly. Learning new physical activities such as dance or jazzercise builds new connections between your brain cells and helps clear environmental toxins.
  6. More confidence. Not only will you have more confidence in yourself if you exercise regularly, you’ll be perceived as kinder, smarter and more confident. Feeling good about yourself is one of the best reasons to exercise.
  7. Toned, defined muscles. The more you exercise, the stronger and healthier your muscles will become - and the better they'll serve you. It's not all about healthy weight loss: building healthy mass is also an exercise benefit. Feeling toned is a great reason to exercise.
  8. Better sex. Physical activity sends more blood to all parts of your body, making you respond more quickly to sexual activity. You’ll enjoy sex more not only because you’re chasing healthy weight loss – you’re also more confident about your body. Getting satisfied sexually is one of the best reasons to exercise.
  9. Stronger immune system. Regular exercise helps combat free radicals, and you sweat out the toxins that trigger disease and infections. The health benefits of exercise include lower blood pressure, lower bad cholesterol levels, and a lower heart rate.
  10. More energy. Physical activity is not only an effective weight loss method, it’s also a great way to increase your energy levels. Having energy to enjoy life is probably the best reason to exercise!

The benefits of exercise don’t allow you to eat whatever you want whenever you want, and you’ll have to exercise regularly to maintain the benefits – but it’s worth it. These are good reasons to exercise that will help you the rest of your life.

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  1. Look at everything you are loosing without exercising...START TO PLAN A EXERCISE PROGRAM!!!
    GOOD LUCK!!!

  2. c'est bien pour la santé, coul pour garder la forme ,
